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next XploreME! version

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next XploreME! version Empty next XploreME! version

Post by ThaPhoeniX Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:10 pm

XploreME! version 4 beta4 is the final version of v4.0, no beta5 or special final version.
the next version of XploreME! will be 4.1 and will include alot of improvements.
I dont have alot of time to work on XploreME! but it on a slow development.
XploreME! v4.1 will have much better support on phones that arent motorola's phones, especially on SonyErricson phones.

Number of posts : 387
Registration date : 2007-02-24


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next XploreME! version Empty Re: next XploreME! version

Post by spinkol Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:07 pm

the only problem with the version 4.0 is that with 176x220 mobiles is still very instable, the menus are not correct, some functions are not accessible, menu is too small, it crashes when you select to open with reader in some mobile files....but ok, I understand you don't have a lot of time for this, i am in the same position too....i will use the old bu good version 3.6 until the version 4.1 don't come!!

best regards

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next XploreME! version Empty Re: next XploreME! version

Post by ThaPhoeniX Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:11 pm

spinkol wrote:the only problem with the version 4.0 is that with 176x220 mobiles is still very instable, the menus are not correct, some functions are not accessible, menu is too small, it crashes when you select to open with reader in some mobile files....but ok, I understand you don't have a lot of time for this, i am in the same position too....i will use the old bu good version 3.6 until the version 4.1 don't come!!

best regards
what functions arnt available?
and what files cause the TextReader to crush?

Number of posts : 387
Registration date : 2007-02-24


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next XploreME! version Empty Re: next XploreME! version

Post by spinkol Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:51 pm

For example if you try to open the file "iTAP_User_Dictionary" with reader it will appear the Please Wait... screen and it keeps in Please Wait forever, you have to turn off the app....

And when you go to options menu, you have some things there that you can't select....for example you are in option 2, and if you try to select that option it activates option 1....and in option 3 it selects the option 2....! i am trying to explain myself the best i can!Razz

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Registration date : 2007-06-24

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next XploreME! version Empty Re: next XploreME! version

Post by spinkol Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:15 pm

you are thinking in do a final 4.0 only fixing this things and the menu problem ThaPhoenix?the menu problem is that the XploreME logo is too big so in 176x220 phones the menu becomes very small, and when you go to the "about" menu you can't read all the info....so if you do a final version only with this "small" things i can finally use the version 4 instead of the version 3.6...

Thanks and keep the good work

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Number of posts : 20
Country : Portugal
Registration date : 2007-06-24

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next XploreME! version Empty Love ur work!

Post by Billy Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:20 am

I am a SE mobile user,I love XploreME so much,hope the 4.1 version will support 240X320 full screen movie playing!


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next XploreME! version Empty Re: next XploreME! version

Post by ThaPhoeniX Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:46 pm

Billy wrote:I am a SE mobile user,I love XploreME so much,hope the 4.1 version will support 240X320 full screen movie playing!
it support Smile

Number of posts : 387
Registration date : 2007-02-24


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next XploreME! version Empty Re: next XploreME! version

Post by morere Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:32 pm

i want that the 4.1 version will have a option to do zoom to photos...
there will be a lot of zoom values to do..
because the zoom in motorla v3x is not good...


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next XploreME! version Empty Re: next XploreME! version

Post by ThaPhoeniX Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:01 pm

morere wrote:i want that the 4.1 version will have a option to do zoom to photos...
there will be a lot of zoom values to do..
because the zoom in motorla v3x is not good...
the zoom on motorola phones is working fine, i dont understand whats the problem?

Number of posts : 387
Registration date : 2007-02-24


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next XploreME! version Empty Re: next XploreME! version

Post by morere Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:31 pm

the zoom after taking picture on motorola v3x move very slow when i do "fit to screen"..
the zoom option has just 3 choices: 75,50 percent or fit to screen...
and when i do fit to screen he do zoom to the photo but it move very very very slow and not help me...
i want to ask from you if you can create a zoom for photos (after taking photos) like in nokia 6280...
לדוגמא ב-6280 אתה לוחץ על הגדלה והוא עושה לך זום לתמונה


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next XploreME! version Empty Re: next XploreME! version

Post by carlo93 Fri Jan 25, 2008 4:59 pm

In my nokia 6288 i can't open the photos because they have a resolution of 1600x1200, i hope that in the version 4.1 will work!!!!


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next XploreME! version Empty Re: next XploreME! version

Post by Fedir Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:00 pm

Please note, that softkeys are NOT WORKING PROPERLY on all IBM J9 enabled devices - that makes impossible to use your software on ALL Windows Mobile Devices!!!! However today XPLOREME has best !!!!freeware!!!! AlarmClock for mobile devices, it will be very easy to become cross-platform solution (as for example Opera Mini). Please do bugfixes around softkeys and finally implement stylus support!!! As a reference, please visit trekbuddy downloads area, you will see support for J9!!


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next XploreME! version Empty Re: next XploreME! version

Post by ThaPhoeniX Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:45 pm

PictureViewer on V4.1 will be the same as on 4.0,
that means that only on motolora the picture viewer
can work fine with large picture.
Im trying to find an efficient way to fix it but it
will on be a prt of V4.1 (i also have SE phone so im aware to the problem)

Number of posts : 387
Registration date : 2007-02-24


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next XploreME! version Empty Re: next XploreME! version

Post by YangYang1221 Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:22 pm


The mobile phone of mine is MOTOROLA E1000. I`m a freshman with XploreME!. I have some following question.
1) Can the XploreME play the video file with sidelong full screen model? I mean like the default video player can do. I didn`t how to do it, but I think it`s very importante for E1000 user.
2) The E1000 just only support 176*144 vedio file by itself. Can the XploreME support 320*240 vedio file for E1000?

Thanks very much for your working. Sorry about my poor English. I hope you can understand what I want to say.



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next XploreME! version Empty Re: next XploreME! version

Post by ThaPhoeniX Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:27 pm

E1000 doesnt supprt full screen video playing on java apps.
i dont think 320*240 videos works on E1000

Number of posts : 387
Registration date : 2007-02-24


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next XploreME! version Empty Re: next XploreME! version

Post by YangYang1221 Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:30 pm

ThaPhoeniX wrote:E1000 doesnt supprt full screen video playing on java apps.
i dont think 320*240 videos works on E1000
I understanded about it!


Number of posts : 3
Country : China
Registration date : 2008-03-03

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