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XploreME! v4.1 is HERE!!

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XploreME! v4.1 is HERE!! Empty XploreME! v4.1 is HERE!!

Post by ThaPhoeniX Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:32 pm

XploreME! v4.1

After a long long time, due to lack of time, a new version of XploreME!
is out! cheers
This version is a major update especially for SonyErricson mobiles,
contains a lot of upgrades in the media player GUI,
and some other things like screen rotation and new text reading features.
it also opens a door for new mobile because now people can make cusomized platform settings like special keys layout, special folders layoud etc.

Please note: the PictureViewer remains as it was, means only Motorola mobiles can enjoy its full capabilities.
BUT this version was tested only on SonyErricson K800i mobile and may contain bugs in other mobiles, so keep a back-up of the former 4.0 version,
because it may take time for bugfixing updates to come out.

So here are the changes:

- ADD: Light control for Nokia/SonyErricson phones like in Motorola,
a special key(in K800i its the "C" key) that can make the screen
always light/dark the screen(also stop refresh the screen for battery saving)
- ADD: Other phones suppot by customizing a platform specific file,
now can add files with specific configuration like special keys location,
phone specific special folders paths etc.
- ADD: quick minimize key, can be configured via a platform file.
- ADD: K800i specific configuration with more special folders configurations(like the camera's folder)
and a new keys layout:
left soft is Soft1
right soft is Soft3 (menu)
holding right soft is quick minimize
C key is the light control
Holding C is quick exit key
BACK button is Soft2(back key)
- ADD: Font Y-Align in options, can change font Y-location in all of Xploreme screens.
- Can hold up/down/left/right keys for faster browsing
- Can now ROTATE almost all of XploreME! screens by pressing 9
- Can now lock keys from all XploreME! screens,
(to lock, hold # and to unlock press # twice)
- Fixed a bug in some phones that XploreME got stuck on "Please Wait.." screen.
- ADD: help for the broswer, text reader
- ADD: when pressing the select button (0) in the broswer the next item will be on focus.

- ADD: Can change font size with 7,*
- ADD: Can rotate screen by pressing 9
- ADD: Can hold up/down/left/right keys for faster scrolling
- ADD: Shows number of lines and the current line.
- ADD: Can jump to specific line by pressing Soft1.
- FIX: fixed a bug while opening empty files.

- CHANGE: keys for increse/decrease score are now 7,*.
- Now part of XGUI also, including all of it benefits(like rotation, lighting, locking, textscrolling)
- CHANGED: load folder image from "folder.jpg" and also from "folder.xmef"
- quick loading img in seperate thread, auto-resizing to fit skin.
- ADD: text scrolling for title/artist/album (cannot change speed for now)
- ADD: Video rotation for supporting phones like SonyErricson with the soft1 key
- ADD: New seeking mecanism allow faster smoother time seeking in tracks.(holding left right keys)
- ADD: fast volume up/down by holding the volume keys (7/*).
- CHANGED: new keys layout: (also in the help screen)
- IN FUTURE: key 9 is reserved for rotated skins, will have support in the future.
Next Track- J-Right,6
Prev. Track- J-Left,4
Jump Track- J-Center\5
Play/Pause- J-Up or 2
Stop- J-Down or 8
Seeking- Hold-4,Hold-6,Hold-J-Right,Hold-J-Left
Volume- 7,*
Play mode - 0
(normal/one only/one loop)
9 - rotate screen
(in supported skins)
Shuffle- 1
Repeat - 3
Lock- hold #
Unlock- # twice
Video Mode - Soft1
Menu - Soft3
- ADD: 320x240 skins with a some changes, like bigger text and bigger
album images

- ADD: new version of skin customization, includes new definitions(for skinners), details
in the skin forum. Old skins may have problems.

Arrow Download Here (needs site registration)

for making and installing languages pack, look here.

updated skin guide for XploreME v4.1

platform-files making guild will be published soon.

Last edited by ThaPhoeniX on Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 387
Registration date : 2007-02-24


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XploreME! v4.1 is HERE!! Empty Re: XploreME! v4.1 is HERE!!

Post by luxh11 Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:31 am

I can't download the right file why?


Number of posts : 2
Country : china
Registration date : 2008-03-08

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XploreME! v4.1 is HERE!! Empty Re: XploreME! v4.1 is HERE!!

Post by ThaPhoeniX Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:56 am

luxh11 wrote:I can't download the right file why?
both links are working fine

Number of posts : 387
Registration date : 2007-02-24


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XploreME! v4.1 is HERE!! Empty Re: XploreME! v4.1 is HERE!!

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